What's New?
To summarize the website changes, it is that we combined the baseball and softball websites into one site. The Hitmen Baseball and Softball Academy is one organization that shares the same values for both baseball and softball.
It also shares much of the same content, so why not bring it all together making it easier to find and manage online. And while we are at it, let's give it a fresh new look!
With any change comes an adjustment. Below I've highlighted where you can find some of your favorite pages and resources. If you still can't find something you are looking for, please send me an email.
Randi Russell
Website Coordinator

Award Descriptions
Presented to the player, who best exemplify a standard of excellence both on and off the baseball field. Whether it be in the classroom, among their teammates, or within the community, these individuals have committed themselves to doing their absolute best - a virtue that is fundamental to the Hitmen philosophy.
Recognizes those who best exemplify the Hitmen tradition of outstanding sportsmanship and demonstrate respect for the game, for their team, and for their opponents.
Presented to an individual that best exemplifies a desire to compete at the highest level. Players that embody the commitment and loyalty that is trademark of the Quad City Hitmen. Their achievements on the field are exemplary; and their work ethic serves as an example to all those who bear the Hitmen name.
The Ryan Murdock Passion award is presented to those who possess an ardent affection for the game of baseball; a value the late Ryan Murdock exemplified throughout his life. “One person with passion makes a majority.” This is the effect Ryan Murdock had on his fellow Hitmen teams. It is after this ideal that the recipients of the Ryan Murdock Passion award have conducted themselves; with a devotion and enthusiasm that honors the game, and gives “heart” to their team.
This award is presented to one who exemplifies a dedication and devotion to the Hitmen Academy, its mission, its values, and the players it nurtures.
2018 COACH

The 8-under Lady Hitmen team is looking for one player to complete the roster. The player must have a 2011 birth year or later. For more information please call Ron Strohbehn at (563) 271-8651.

Teams in Action this week
USSSA Gulf Coast Summer National Championship
Gulf Shores/Orange Beach/Fole, AL
'00 Murphey
USSSA Midwest National Championships
Bettendorf, IA
USSSA 9u/11u/13u National Championship
Gulf Shores, AL
USSSA Indiana Great Lakes Nationals
Evansville, IN
'06 & '00 Fisher
Award Descriptions
Presented to the player, who best exemplify a standard of excellence both on and off the softball field. Whether it be in the classroom, among their teammates, or within the community, these individuals have committed themselves to doing their absolute best - a virtue that is fundamental to the Hitmen philosophy.
Recognizes those who best exemplify the Hitmen tradition of outstanding sportsmanship and demonstrate respect for the game, for their team, and for their opponents.
Presented to an individual that best exemplifies a desire to compete at the highest level. Players that embody the commitment and loyalty that is trademark of the Quad City Hitmen. Their achievements on the field are exemplary; and their work ethic serves as an example to all those who bear the Hitmen name.
The Caleb Neff Passion award is presented to those who possess
an ardent affection for the game of softball; a value the late Caleb Neff exemplified throughout
his life. “One person with passion makes a majority.” This is the effect Caleb had on all who
knew him. It is after this ideal that the recipients of the Caleb Neff Passion award have
conducted themselves; with a devotion and enthusiasm that honors the game, and gives “heart”
to their team.
This award is presented to one who exemplifies a dedication and devotion to the Hitmen Academy, its mission, its values, and the players it nurtures.